Monday, January 5, 2009

On Top of Old Windy.

Holy Crap! It was cold today.
Real good to be back on the hill
this afternoon after a brief hiatus
from the holiday hordes. They certain
left their remains though, lots of hardpack
and skiied off ice, boo hoo, right.
It was'nt all bad, I discovered a few 
pockets of powder blown onto certain
parts of the mountain, and tried out
a few new runs, all  capped off 
with some steep ass bowl skiing. 

Darth Ninja.
Wind buffetted.
Midway station closed due to
lack of snow?...
Yep, looks that way.
Final destination..."The Ridge"
(notice nobody in front of me)
From the top (Continental Divide), facing east
I nearly lost some fingers up here...sooo cold.
Keystone(foreground) and Breckenridge(back) to the west.
Nestled in the Rocky Mountains.

The new year should bring us
some new adventures in new places
please come back and see.

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