Thursday, January 15, 2009

Missed Connections

Today was $10 Hooky Day
at Loveland and many of our
friends made it over to ski...
but in the morning, that ain't
how we roll here at the A.S.C.
Despite our best efforts, we never
hooked up with our earlybird 
counterparts, I heard they had a
great time regardless. I'll somehow
have to get over my belief that
cellphones have no place on the
mountain, as that is viewed as
an atiquated notion, and bring
it along next time, and maybe 
make our connection,... nah.
Weather was overcast, not great for
pics but the clouds burned away for 
a bit, and we attempted some
video, but my battery died, along
with any pics or vids for today,
except for the ones below.
B n' A.

Delta Force Wulf.

Come back soon, bring batteries

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