Thursday, February 1, 2007

Frozen Warriors

Yup, 5 degrees at
Breckenridge today,
surely we're nuckin' futs.
Al-X,Crisp, and Hippie
braved the icy chill
and potential frostbite
with me, all for 6"
of new snow.It was
okay,skiied off a
bit however.About
an hour and a half
was all we could take.
The tip of Al-X's
nose was beginning to
turn white,(1st sign of
frostbite.)time to go.

Here's a stock tip...

buy many shares from those

companies that make hand

and toe warmers.No joke.

Crisp skis on by Al-X
Nice n' steep on Mine Shaft.
(Hippie way down there)
I'm done till next week,
warmer temps are reportedly
on the way,that would be swell.

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