The A.S.C. represented well today,
Al-X,Mean Gene,B.o.B., The Shust ,
and myself. We stuck solely to the Pali
lift which access some very hairy terrain.
Pali has it's main run and then a series
Of steep alleys ending at a very vertical
section called Gauthier, it was a few of
our members first entries into these places.
Many sections and were super sketchy
with rocks peppered throughout the
troughs of ledgelike bumps and lotsa
trees around to remind you not to tumble,
or you may very well eat bark.
Al-X kicks up some powder.
Mean gene leads the way down Pali's main run.
Al-X and Shust, on the highway to the danger zone.
There I go, the A.S.C. in tow.
B.o.B. Toughing it through the troughs.
I can't quite tell which way that the Shusts legs
are twisting but thats some form right there.
Yeah, that's what the West Alley looked like,
Don't miss your turns or pain may follow.
We all got worked over well today at A-Basin.
I'm thinkin 'bout tommorrow already so check back.