Monday, April 20, 2009


I guess thunder doesn't only
happen when it's raining as our
weekend storm brought us, as a local
forcaster called it..."Thundersnow"...
And a boatload of it too...nearly 3 feet
in 3 days at Loveland. So B.O.B., M.G., and
Me came to enjoy the remains on a glorious
sunny Monday afternoon, Day 40! I reached
my seasons goal...HOORAY ME!

The good Captain and B.O.B.(pre-crash)
Chair 3 Base in it's sunny glory.
Some cruddy crunchy choppy stuff we encountered early on.
Fresh tracks over yonder way.

This may or may not be this seasons
last post, but I think we may be back a time or
two yet before it wraps up, so look on back soon.

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