Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Bulgarian Connection

Well , we're not done yet I guess,
and thankfully so because an awesome
day was had at A-Basin this cloudless and
warm afternoon thanks to the K Man.
The K man could'nt make it however
due to a bout with the brown bottle flu. 
Ethan aka "Swank" delivered the medallion that
 gave me free ski powers here at the Basin. 
We were joined by Ina who originates from Bulgaria 
but is American too. Sweet. 
Swank, Ina, n Me.
Mash Tater Mounds...Got Gravy?
Swank on "The Nose"
Soupy Pali.
Whooped remains after a run on Pali.

I'm not sure we're done 
so won'tcha please come on back again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jake's Ski Team

Some friends from
Jakes Dive Bar in Breckenridge
met me just after 12 noon for some
end of season turns at Loveland.
Josh,Ethan, Krowman and I all agreed
that the first couple of runs kinda blew,
but we managed to salvage it into 
a decent day, as long as the sun
stayed out, Disaster was nearly
averted as Krowman had an incident
involving a chairlift, all is well now.
Ethan, Krowman, Josh from left
...Yeah, pepperoni and sausage, top of Chair one.
Super rad adjustable titanium fresh!
Black sky above the Ridge.
Every car should have one.

We might not be done yet either.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I guess thunder doesn't only
happen when it's raining as our
weekend storm brought us, as a local
forcaster called it..."Thundersnow"...
And a boatload of it too...nearly 3 feet
in 3 days at Loveland. So B.O.B., M.G., and
Me came to enjoy the remains on a glorious
sunny Monday afternoon, Day 40! I reached
my seasons goal...HOORAY ME!

The good Captain and B.O.B.(pre-crash)
Chair 3 Base in it's sunny glory.
Some cruddy crunchy choppy stuff we encountered early on.
Fresh tracks over yonder way.

This may or may not be this seasons
last post, but I think we may be back a time or
two yet before it wraps up, so look on back soon.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Return to Mary Jane

Hooray Mary Jane!!!!

Al-X' surveys  the snow by Eagle Wind!
Back after the tragic accident, on ski's this time.
Hooray Me!
Mary Janes calling card, bumps...
And more bumps... my legs r sore now.
Really crowded today, yeah right.
Steep bumpie uglies.
Pic of the day, stone cold chillin'. Nice.

It was great to make it here to
Winter Park/Mary Jane just before
seasons end. And glad we got Al-X back
into the club for some awesome afternoon
spring skiing. Only a post or two left before
it's done, next is Day 40!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Our post title today is a lyric
from an 80's American classic by
Thomas Dolby that had me rolling
and repeating all afternoon which
was well spent today at Monarch Mountain.
Cap. Vag. and myself made the long drive
from The "D" today to cash in on our
last comps of the season. Thanks for
having us Monarch..."Great Mountain!"
Whatta day today, gorgeous, simply gorgeous!
Sun drenched mashed taters. 

Any guess what the hell this is?
(click to enlarge, answer at end of post)
Warm enough for snow pelicans today it was.
"Why yes I will."
Captain"Mean Gene" Vagabond
Outta commish.
"They call him Mellow Yellow...That's right!"

Day 38 fer me this after...
2 more togo.

**top picture is of 2 jets passing very close to
 each other below the sun, weird.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Please no offense meant to
the great Loveland Ski Area,
I just need a change of scenery
I suppose. This afternoon was 
quite excellent though with 4''
of new on top of yesterdays 6".
End of season daytrip in the works
for Monday, I hope these plans don't
fall through too, I'm lookin'
your way Roachie Roach.
Proof of my presence today,
and there go all my friends on
that chair over there.

Really though at least 3
more posts are forthcoming
as we dwindle away.