Monday, December 10, 2007

This is what I'm talkin' bout.

Happy Days!!! The Summit finally
got some snow, a lot at that (feets
of it I tell ya!). Not much A.S.C.
representation today at Copper,
just Me, Wulf Solo.

Holy Crap an open bump run,
the aptly named "Too Much".
As my 1st run , this whooped my ass.

Chairway to the Sun (neato clouds).

Excellent idea, less wasted trailmaps littering the runs.

Yes, freshies were achieved today.

A failed attempt at avalanche control.

Honey, I burned the snow.

Sprechen zie Legend.

As of Monday night, another storm is

bearing down on us, tommorrow,

we be off to Winter Park, please check

back for the thrilling details.

Wulf Solo

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