Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Like it or not... we're back.

Welcome back all!
Summer was great, but alas tis' ski time again. We got the ball rollin' this season with a trip to the Basin on Monday( Breck was too stoopid busy as usual because of Thanksgiving.),Pali was not yet open but some very good early season terrain was available nonetheless.Tewker and B.B. joined me for a very good start to the season.Please visit frequently this season,if you can't be there with us that is. I'll be back next week with new posts, Happy Superiffic Turkey Time all!
Mr. S. Wulf esq.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you be wearing a helmet?


Anonymous said...

You know, this is what's wrong with young people today. They don't want to work, they just want to play on the bumps all day. No wonder our country's going to hell in a handbasket...