Tuesday, January 25, 2011

T.E.C."A.B.M."2011 S.T...Pt.2..."The Area Formerly Known as Purgatory

Surprise surprise, I made it all
the way to this Southwest Colorado
gem called Durango Mountain Resort,
once known as Purgatory.
...and that's what it looks like, with it's trails and all.
Tremendous scenery was all around.
Powder coated behemouth.
Another gorgeous mountain range.
Sharp peaks.
This camp robber was trying to eat me.
The terrain park...empty.
Old school chairlift...empty.
ugly bumpies...empty.
Engineer Lift...empty. Where is everyone?
Wait...there's someone.
I tamed this gnarled beast.
Panorama of cross valley vista.
...yeah "peace" man.
...Last run,
An aspen lined bumper ,
called "Styx" like the river.
What a beautiful afternoon, and cool
first time excursion all the way down
here to Purgatory. Maybe one more
tomorrow, conditions permitting.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Eric Carmen"All By Myself" 2011 Ski Trip...Pt.1..."The Butterfly"

Here I go flying solo on a mini
3 day ski dash through the Rockies.
Today I began with old favorite,
Monarch Mountain.
Good n' snowy.
Is there any other way to shag?
They have cool trail names here.
I see the world through rose colored goggles.
Up here I do anyway
It's all snowy here.
I literally had almost every run to myself.
Another afternoon well spent at Monarch.
Tomorrow a very special event.
Virgin territory will be exploited,
as I travel to a first time location.
More to come.