Tuesday, March 31, 2009

General Bluster

Not good today... not good.
Darth Ninja reinstated.

I'll try again soon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

8 on 35

It became winter again
all of the sudden. Loveland reported
8" of the freshness today, so we eventually
meandered into the lot at about 1:20
for an afternoon ski on this the 35th
post of the season.
"It's a stick, it's a camera, it's a stick with a camera,
it's camera on a stick!"
Where'd all the rocks and scrapes go?
Mean Gene trying out for the lead in the
remake of "Falling Down"

Welcome Spring.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy St. Patches Day!

St. Patches is the patron
saint of dirt spots. Today he came 
to bless Loveland with much thawing.
I was there too with Captain Vag.
It was warm and beautiful, also
sad as I watched the snowpack
melt away and seep through 
the parking lot.
Ridgetop east view panorama.
Ridgetop west panorama

Further evidence of.................
Mean Gene gets up after testing his bindings,
....they work.
The Captain surveys the Ridge.
Right turn Clyde.
Road atop the Ridge.
Check out the blast craters.
"We got the beets."
6 more days to 40 days this season.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And Somewhere A Fat Lady Warms Up.

Is this really it?
The beginning of the end?
It looks like the end of April out here,
not March. A couple of more weeks
of this may hasten the end of our season.
Or will a freak end of season storm
bail us out for a bit longer, like a
government stimulus package?

B.O.B. and me point at you, yeah, you.
Further evidence of global warming.
Even furtherer evidence of global warming.
More furtherer evidence's of global warming.

If that thin strip of snow disappears, countless
souls could be lost forever atop Loveland...
Or perhaps they could take their skis or boards
off and walk down, but what fun would that be?


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Indigestable Fortitude.

Yeah I don't know either.
It took some courage coming up
to LL this Thursday knowing that
it may very well suck. I suppose
that some blind faith led
Cap. V.  and me to believe it might
turn out to be okay. Maybe it's
the inevitablity of seasons
end looming. Whatever the case,
we took a chance and lost,
it sucked alright, but a bad
day on the hill is still better
than a good day being attacked
by bees, right.
Yep, there we were.

It's winding down fast,
unless a fresh few feet
of snow shows up soon.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bad Song Monday.

This afternoon at
Loveland was nearly perfect.
Perfect were it not for Captain 
Vagabonds persistant singing 
of the same awful song.
Physical retribution was threatened,
silence prevailed, there was
much rejoicing....yeh.
We hooked up with B.O.B.
and wife Liz for a run, and
conjured plans for a return
to Casa Bonita, but that's a
whole different adventure.  
L.I.Z. & B.O.B.
Captain Vagabond salutes the Dark Overlord 
that he worships with this upside down cross.
Cap. V. with I-70  in background.
Not much symmetry here, decent snow though.

Maybe snow tommorrow...
but how much if any????
Look again soon

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

...And The Skies Were Not Cloudy All Day...

Well barely cloudy anyway.
On my way back from Wolf Creek I
thought I would drop in to see what
was happening at Monarch Mountain
since it was on the way home. It helps that I had
a couple of comp days left from my Loveland
season pass. Yesterday's forecast did'nt look
very promising, but like most forecasts, it
was wrong. It was warm and inviting today.
I went it alone today, but had my tunes,
and that's all I needed.
Widescreen view  from atop Shagnasty.
Wideview behind Shagnasty.
Wideview of yet another vacant run.
Camera on a Stick.
Nuttin' out there anyway.
An opposing wideview from the otherside of Monarch.
Further evidence of global warming.

Spring is here, possibly more snow
coming I hear though, we shall see.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Rockin' Wolf Creek

A big thanks to the great
people at Wolf Creek Ski Area
for havin Me, my sister Crista,
and nephew Elias for a warm,sunny
day of skiing and riding, it was not
crowded at all, and just a great day
to be out
Alberta Peak and beyond
Preparing for the shred.

Chillin' out on top.
Elias does his best Richard Nixon impression.

Me thinks we'll return for more,
hope you do too, c'mon back.